End of the Year Show-Music/Dance. You can feel it all over” (Sir Duke) The Many Wonders of Stevie Wonder-in celebration of his 75th Birthday
- Newark School of the Arts 89 Lincoln Park Newark, NJ, 07102 United States (map)
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities act, the Newark School of the Arts is committed to serving all patrons. If you need special arrangements, please call the office at 973-642-0133 two weeks in advance and we will do our best to accommodate you. Most events and performances are free and open to the public.
Starting in 2018, the Newark School of the Arts (NSA) will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary. The School provides high-level training in the performing and visual arts. Since 1968, the school has offered instruction for everyone with an interest in the arts regardless of age, talent and financial resources. NSA is a family and community oriented school that has served 46,000 individuals since its inception, and provides education for 800 students each week.
The Newark School of the Arts (NSA) changes the lives of youth through access to quality education in the performing and visual arts. We accomplish this by providing excellence in sequential education and training, offering an emerging state of the art learning environment, accepting students of all ages and abilities, and partnering with other successful arts educators while maintaining affordability and accessibility. NSA is a family and community oriented school that has served 38,000 individuals since its inception, and provides education for 500 students each week.
The Newark School of the Arts is committed to serving all patrons. The School does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission, or access to, treatment of, or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. As needed, accommodations will be provided, to the best of the School's ability, to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in Newark School of the Arts' workforce, services, programs, and activities.
If you need special arrangements, please call the office at 973-642-0133 two weeks in advance and we will do our best to accommodate you. Most events and performances are free and open to the public.
In partnership with:
Email: lilly@newarkschoolofthearts.org • Tel: (973) 642 - 0133 • Fax: (973) 622 - 2664. 89 Lincoln Park, Newark, New Jersey 07012